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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Welcome to WeatherFacts!

WeatherFacts is a brand new weather website that was launched by Chris Martz on May 3, 2019. The main purpose of this blog is to provide a good understanding of our atmosphere and weather processes and how they develop and impact us here at the surface.

The section Meteorological Madness! deals with meteorology topics like the atmosphere and it's composition, layers, and properties, as well as the Earth-atmosphere energy balance, the oceans, seasons, the jet stream, wind, fronts, clouds and precipitation, extreme weather, and synoptic meteorology. 

Climate 101 is focused on climate change. Unlike many climate websites, I express my views and give readers a perspective on the issue that they often don't hear in the mainstream - the skeptical side. 

For those who are seeking weather forecasts, please visit my flagship site NoHype Weather.

PLEASE NOTE! This post will continue to be updated until the education series is complete. Also, Climate 101 and Meteorological Madness! have not been started or completed yet, respectively, so please follow me on Twitter where I will eventually post a link to the completed article. Thanks, Chris.

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